23rd ANNUAL NSA EUROTOUR – July 2015

Gothia Cup, the Largest Youth Soccer Tournament in the world. 1600 teams from 70 nations

Gothia Cup, the Largest Youth Soccer Tournament in the world. 1600 teams from 70 nations

Over 900 teams from 45 nations, the best soccer tournament in Denmark

Over 1000 teams from 45 nations, the best soccer tournament in Denmark

For EUROTOUR 2015. NSA teams have  players from the USA, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Australia and Malta

It is quite a cultural exchange event through soccer. !

NSA’s focus is on Youth Development

We are selecting players for the 23nd Annual International Tours in 2015.
Since 1992, NSA has selected, trained and led over 2000 players and supporters on tour to compete in major International tournaments in Scandinavia, South America and the United States. To the credit of NSA players, coaches and administrators, after training and learning the NSA STYLE, the philosophy and the NSA Way, players have consistently stepped up to the competition, as evidence by the many championships they have won and the numerous memorable moments they have shared.

For EUROTOUR 2015, NSA is selecting serious players to compete in three major International Tournaments and experience the time of their lives. The ages are:
Girls born between 1998 to 2004
Boys born between 1998 to 2004

Gain International Competition Experience

About Scandinavia: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland are beautiful countries.  Encourage your children to do some research about these countries.  The weather in summer is pleasant (similar to San Francisco).  You will not need heavy jackets.  Most people in Scandinavia speak several languages including English.  Local players love to make friends with teenagers from the NSA.  The ice cream is great!

Itinerary 2015

The TOUR (subject to changes) :

July 10, 2015 (Friday) Depart Gateway City

July 11, 2015  (Saturday)      Iceland sightseeing tour, included

July 12,2015   (Sunday)         sightseeing in Oslo, Norway, arrive Gothenburg, Sweden

July 13-18       (Mon – Sat)    attend Gothia Cup, Gothenburg, Sweden  

July 19 – 25    (Mon – Sat)    attend Dana Cup, Hjorring, Denmark

July 25            Sat night         R & R in for players in a hotel

July 26            Sunday           return to USA.








Opening Ceremony Gothia Cup





International Tour Coaches

Frederick Hsu : USSF “A” Licensed

Augustin Rodriguez USSF “A” Licensed USA – Norcal

Carlos Menjivar USSF “A” Licensed USA – SoCal

Hervi Rualo USSF “B” Licensed USA- Central Cal

Arnie Klott – Southern Oregon

James Lawrie – Northern Oregon

David Groff – Central Oregon

Elizabeth Serra-Hsu

and other NSA staff

There are several types of Soccer Travel
1. You belong to a club team that plays together regularly. The club team organizes a trip, contract with a travel agency to make the travel arrangements. There are only a very small percentage of soccer clubs/teams in this country who actually travel on a regular basis.

2. Players join organizations like the National Soccer Academy Inc. who select, train and compete in International Tournaments. There are only a handful of academies in the U.S. providing high Quality training and tour experiences consistently.

3. Players join “soccer tours” organized by tour companies & travel agencies who assemble players of similar ages and enter them as teams. These players normally meet for the first time at airports. While their sightseeing experience may be adequate, these teams normally do not compete well at the level of competition demanded by International Tournaments.

NSA has been leading young players to International Competition since 1992. During these years, NSA has gained a reputation of High Quality, on and off the field.

Benefits of joining NSA EUROTOURs :

Players will be trained by USSF “A” licensed coaches; visit Scandinavia, compete internationally; make new friends; be exposed to a mini-Olympics atmosphere. (Gothia Cup had 1600 teams from 70 nations); experience Scandinavian amusement parks museums & discos. This is an excellent growing experience for teenagers.

Training: Players receive TOP QUALITY training from professional youth coaches.

NSA is not a travel agency that simply assembles players to travel. The successful NSA style will be taught to prepare NSA players to meet the challenges from international competition. An intense training camp will be held prior to departure. NSA teams are well prepared and travel as a “tight family” to compete in major tournaments. Past results speaks for the excellent soccer experience.

Supervision: Scandinavia is well known for being safe and the tournaments are extremely well organized. In addition, NSA will provide qualified adults (approx.1:6 ratio) to coach and supervise the players.

Sightseeing & fun: Scandinavia is beautiful. In between tough competition, players will have opportunities to go on city tours, visit museums, amusement parks, water parks, beaches, canals, castles, churches, open air markets and other sights. “Soccer Player Only” disco are main evening attractions for teenagers around the world to gather, dance, make friends and have fun.

You will visit Iceland, Sweden and Denmark

NSA staff are professional youth coaches:

Headed by Fred Hsu, USSF “A” Licensed coach, NSA staff coaches are all Nationally Licensed. They draw vast experience from being former Professional, Semi-pro & Collegiate players; University and High School Coaches, ODP State & District Coaches, Coaches of youth & adult teams, boys and girls teams. They have led many successful Soccer Tours.

References from parents & players who have traveled with NSA are available upon request.

Family & Supporters:

Arrangements may be made for family and friends who wish to join the NSA supporter group. The Supporter Group travel together with the players but will stay in hotels close to the team’s lodging. Supporters may have a different itinerary than the players to better suit their work schedule.

Please contact Fred – nsaguru@gmail.com to make arrangements.


Player Selection: Players are selected to join the NSA EUROTOUR teams based on

  • the players ability, motivation and passion for the game
  • whether the NSA staff feels that the player can benefit from the NSA method of teaching.
  • players having supportive parents who share the NSA philosophy of youth development and are willing to abide by the NSA guidelines
  • Players ARE NOT selected simply because they are financially able to join NSA tours.
  • NSA trains players to compete internationally. NSA is not a travel agency.
  • Coaches Recommendations: Coaches of COMP level teams, Select or Classic teams and other higher level teams, please recommend players whom you think will benefit from the NSA EUROTOUR. They will come back to your team better players.

The normal process:
1. players come to training and want to be part of the experience
2. We take notes and mark down those whom we believe can benefit from NSA
3. Parents show that they are supportive
4, We send invitations.
5. family decides
6. blink and we are in Scandinavia… again 🙂


NSA has a limited number of Regional Scouts positions available. Regional Scouts will hold tryouts in your area to select players and work together with the NSA staff coaches to train selected players. Some NSA Regional Scouts may be selected to be EUROTOUR team coaches (your trip may be paid for).


NSA has a limited number of Regional Administrator positions available. Regional Administrators will work with the NSA Regional Scouts to coordinate tryouts. Some Regional administrators may also be asked to join the fun and work on the tour.

Cost :(subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances)

Ratio of adults to players will be approximately 1: 5
 includes: cross Atlantic Flight, Iceland sightseeing tour,   tournament provided lodging and meals, intense training, coaches, administrators, compete in major international tournaments, cultural exchange, travel together for 2+ weeks.

 $4500 plus NSA Uniform Package $330

NOT INCLUDED: Your flight to the Gateway city; Meals not provided by the tournaments; Amusement parks, additional sightseeing opportunities, other events and Players’ spending money.

For comparison, on a per day basis, the NSA EUROTOUR costs less than most major College Soccer Camps and provides a superior experience and unique benefits for serious players, much beyond any soccer camp can offer.

Players: Consider yourself extremely lucky if you get to experience the NSA EUROTOUR

a) you have to want to get the experience
b) you have to be selected
c) your parents have to be supportive
d) NSA has to do the organizing and training
e) Travel to Scandinavia needs to stay safe.



NSA References (get info directly from past participants):

NSA has lead over 2000 participants over the past 20 years on tour. Following are some of the recent participants who will gladly share their experiences with you. Please feel free to email them and set some time to chat and ask questions.

Roy and Ronalyn Rodriguez rrod1295@yahoo.com came with 10 year old daughter Izzy in 2013

Liz Dubuc (South Lake Tahoe) “Elizabeth Dubuc” lizzybright3@att.net – daughter Lily came on tour in 2011
Message from Elizabeth Dubuc
Elizabeth Dubuc 2

Francisca Johnson (Davis CA) “Francisca Johnson” johnsonfrancisca@sbcglobal.net – son Christopher came on tour in 2012. Entire family came on tour in 2013.

Suzy Stevens (La Selva Beach, CA) Suzystevens1@gmail.com – came with son Cooper in 2013

Drs Arnie & Norma Rugama (Fresno, CA) – Family of 5 came on tour in 2012, “Norma Solis” osanomas@comcast.net